Review Of The Playseats Evolution Seat

Playseats is the brand name of racing gear for video games. Playseats was started by Dr. Fernando Smit. He wanted to create an ergonomic seat that would be most comfortable for any type of racing wheel you might use with video games. As a result consumers have a number of drive karts to choose from including the Playseats Evolution Seat. The company has been around since the late 90's with manufacturing plants in Holland, and then in China. The factory moved to China in 2002 to help lower the cost of the seat.

See Lowest Prices on the Playseats Evolution Seat

When discussing the Playseats Evolution Seat one must consider comfort. If you are going to be using it at all you want something that makes it easy to drive your race car game. The seat from Playseats provides a seat like that found in most cars. It even has an area for the pedals and your steering wheel. The seat measures 51x19x38 inches like many real racing simulation seats.

In addition to that it offers a compatibility with most racing video games and consoles. Its reinforced steel construction offers good stability and quality construction, meaning it will last for several years. You have a couple of adjustment knobs and storage underneath the seat to keep your area clear.

Whether you have an Xbox, Playstation, Playstation 2, Gamecube, or PC the Playseats Evolution Seat will work well with the gaming console. The seat is best for children who are eight years of age or older. Even adults will find the seats are comfortable. Children younger than 8, might have trouble reaching the pedals or shortening the seat enough to work all the controls. It is just the seat and platform, which means you have to purchase something like the Logitech G27 Wheel in order to play your games. If you don't it is just a nice accessory you have in your game room.

The chairs do have a few downsides, such as the expensive nature of the product. It sells for close to $300 from most dealers. When you add in the wheel and pedals it can be quite expensive. Still, it does work with most other gaming accessories and it proves to be quite durable, which helps you get into the game even more.

Some assembly is required for the Playseats Evolution Seat. The seat is pre-made, but you have to install the platform. While assembling it make sure you do not crank too hard on the screws because this could lead to damage. Instead, try for finger tight.

You will want to sit in the seat and have someone measure where you are sitting. This way when others use the seat you can get the seat back to where you use it. You can even have your other players measure the length so they know where to set it. It will take less time for the setup of the game this way. If you will be the only one using it you still want a friend to help you out and get it adjusted properly.

1 comment:

  1. Great review of the Playseat Evolution. also offers a great deal on this gaming chair.
